The world is a lot different now. When I closed my studio door in 2019 to venture into computer programming and quit as an artist, I also jumped into the abyss. Here I am years later and a lot has changed. I have a magnificent daughter, have had fertility issues that caused me to be in and out of hospitals multiple times, moved homes 4 times as well as settle in a place I call home miles away from Bushwick BK where I left my studio along with my art.

Since then my perspective about life has changed and has informed the more focused direction of my new body of work. I question and think about the complexities of living life and what makes me a human being. What makes my universe mine? And what happens when I simplify the complex? Do I get to understand life and see who I am a little better? With technologies surrounding me more than ever, is living life easier? What does my reality look like as abstract realms of markings and symbols defining ideas and meanings?

Let’s Connect!